Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Project that CONSUMED MY LIFE

I thought I did okay on this project well a lot better then i do on most ISPS. I was suprised in the end when my project took most of the class and i was only anticipating it to take 30-40 mins.
some things i think i could do better on are:
  • Speak Slower
  • Speak Clearer
  • More pics on slide show
  • harder questions on quiz
  • more Ninja vs spartan action
  • and more candy

things that i thought i did well in are:

  • accuarate info on the campbell clan
  • good insight on genaology
  • had some action in it
  • got the class involved
  • tested everyones ability to pay attention
  • and got a good view on teen comptiveness

So overall on this project i would give myself anywhere from a 78-83%

A and D the Movie

sucked some more
and a little bit more

I usually like the movies better when it came to books but im going to have to side with the book on this one. the movie totally took away from the book itself they producer shouldnt have altered the death of the father at the start and shouldnt have let the cardnial live and come on the hassassian was a huge let down..... HEY LOOK A BIRd............. rrr i mean look i cant even stay on topic so i give this movie a 1 out of 10. Go watch something else if u plan on seeing this movie.

Pope 2.0

Well I dont know about anyone else but cant you see the weirdness in this? if i remember this correctly the computer is a from of technology and it acts as a gateway of communication to people all around the world. then all of a sudden you get an old guy who happens tp be the pope on facebook? i didnt mind when my parents got on facebook but when my grandparents started i gotta kind iffy about and know the pope, i have lost all respect ofor the admins who allowed the pope onto facebook to try and draw people into his faith.

What went wrong?

To be honest i dont know what wrong I actually found this movie very interesting but i think what went wrong in my opinion was that there was so much hype over this movie that it was so good and stuff so people built an impression of what they thought the movie was going to be like so when people actually went to see it they where dissappointed since it wasnt what they imagined.

An Inconvient day to be at school

Well let start I im gonna try to be super serial about this (as made fun of by South Park) climate change is not real sorry to break everyone's hopes of the world ending due to big storms and drastic melting of ice.

let me first explain Climate change

In december of 1966 or 1967 from december 12th to about december 15th the temperatures where 22+ degrees does this mean that global warming was here before us? no its just a freak of nature inncident like when you get monstrous bears ( or monster pigs( i due believe a very smart man once said "SHIT HAPPENS"(Forrest Gump). what about when it snowed in July in 1995? im sure not many of you will remember it but i will since it was my 3rd birthday.

Next Ice melting

With all do respect ice melts we came out of an ice age none of that was ice before so as an act of mother nature ice needs to melt.
I think if anything that it may offend people of other reiligons becasue people like a muslim who go and see this movie see that it is being portrayed as the catholic reiligon may feel a little a ease because they have their own beliefs and may question all reiligon at once. I cant really talk much about this with fact that i may offened some people.

The Big Issues

1. Climate change
3. Poverty
4. Famine
5. Slavery

I choose this order because everything on the list is a fall out due to the one before from 2 on.
When we cut down rainforests people who used them for lose money which leads them into losing food which then leads them into slavery or being sold for slavery.

I chose climat change not meaning global warming i mean as in an ice age or global warming but chances are ice age because if it hits then it will hit hard causing deaths and destruction

Monday, May 18, 2009

Growing Up Online

I think that this is a fact that people are gonna need to start facing, because as technology rapidly developes text books cant keep up as fast as something posted on the internet. Look at now schools are slowly moving on from the stone era but by the time they do they will be in the new caveman era.

I think the only thing holding kids from fully growing up online are the teachers who are old school and refuse to forget things they are taught to learn the new ways so that they can better educate a teen.

Twitter is epic fails

I dont tweet, never will. Facebook is enough of a hassle to keep straight and i finally just learend how to fully use it to its max and im enjoying it. Thus since i havent tweeted i am dead, but if i am dead then how can i be typing this post and me personally i dont have a fear of dieing alone because everyone has family whom would be by there side if they where dieing. so when it comes to all reality the people who tweet are only dieing alone themselves for they are the ones who are always seeing what everyone up to and are pushing there family way thus when they die they will have no family by there side, thus increasing the people who tweet the fear of dieing alone thus meaning facebook will still be cool when my kids are using it while twitter will be in the deep darkspaces of the e net.

Teens ARE lazy and Are horribly Prepared

I think the article writer dude didnt due enough research to actually be allowed to print this article. Teens have the option to go out and do stuff but chose not to but that is a thing the made on there own descion.

But teens are prepared they are taught in highschool how to write proper essays the length of paragraphs how to dot your i's and cross you t's but if the teen choses not to uses set knowledge it makes them lazy and then gives other teens bad names because they looked like they werent prepare but when the truth is they where they just chose not to use the knowledge to finish the prepareness.

thus teens are more lazy then we are unprepared, im lazy but im taking the step to prepare the rest of my blogs so i do not fail.

HAve to see it to believe it

Sorry but if you tell me that you can eat 100 hotdogs in a minute id have to ask you to do it. I just dont want to be that gullable kind of guy who gets laughed at because i actually believed a person who said they could do something and never actually have done, and then playen me from there to make me look like a fool.

Where i am on deamons and angels :D

Well since this post is very late i have completed the book but lets say i havent.

I am currently at the murder of the cardinal in the firey church and iam finding this book to be a very boring reading and there are so many other things else i could be doing. why cant we be reading a book by Clive Cussler? his books are much more interesting and much more less boring.

American teen Continued

I dont think that towns with one highschool are more of a pressure cooker. Because being the only highschool in town shouldnt affect your grades. The only pressure that may come from it are relationships, because your options are confined to a school of 1000 people, thus everyone knows whos dating who and everyone has the news after a relationship ends, and people may feel pressured not date because of all the dirt that could go around during it. Come on when the teachers find out who are dating who you know that the pressure is on from there on out but if people respect people privacy then they shouldnt be going around tellen people.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

If i was the supreme ruler of education what one thing would i change.

If i was able to change one thing in the education system I would change English to grade 9/10 compulsory English then add other language programs to our school. Because I find that i do not learn much in grade 11 English that i haven't already learned in past. but if i had access to other language programs like Cantonese or Mongolian i would better prepare myself for future job opportunities that may arise and let me go out of the country to work for lots dinero, but u cant do that in china with a grade 12 English now can ya?!?

But then you would say English teachers will not be needed they will because people may choose to continue english past grade 10, so there will still be the need to employee them, but now your saying what about the people who wing through essential english? well in order to not have to take english you must be in applied or academic and pass the literacy test, thus meaning essentail classes would have to suck it up and take it all the way to grade 12.

But we would have to spend more money for teachers to teach other language programs? so what I thought school was to better benefit the adults of the future. so if that means paying a little more taxes so that teens can be more prepared to to excel in buisness world.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Angels and Demons

12Lame, lame,lamer....... this book sucked i dont read often but this book sucked so bad that i actually was sad to have read such a book for a class of the gifted. Dan Brown can not right stories...... i've seen 8 year olds write better stories then this one. the jumping back and forth got annoying after awhile cause who cares about langdon? i wanted to read more about the hassasins epic story. the book could have done with out the first chapters and why make your main character an old guy whom could easily die in his adventure from a heart attack.

so to finish off this blog im gonna give deamons and angels a (Drum roll of in the background)


American Teen

Meh i've seen better movies before about americans teen lives and this one is just like all the others, and to be honest i really didnt like this one i found it way to boring and long sure it shows the life of a bunch of teens which many other movies dont show and this one had its more emotional parts in it then others and such but hey, im not a person to be watching documentrays on teenagers when i live the life of one.

Science VS Religion

This is a very hard area to get into and i dont want to offened some people but i believe you have to believe in one and not both. I feel that if you believe in both you are just kinda band wagoning it like people do when it comes to picking a favourite team in a sport, you tend to go for the one which is winning.

I personally believe in the science part because it has more moderen evidence out there to explain things that where unknown to us in the past, while religion has writings in books of what happened, sure those can be right but to me its just writing in a book that doesnt provide hard evidence when it is competing agaisnt science.

Rockstar Nerd guy

i laughed when i found out that this guy was once a rockstar, he honesly does not look like he could be one, anyways i thought that he did a very good job of explaining the collider and what was and how it was built in english as well. I think that we will be seeing more of this guy in the future because he just had a way of putting something that would be rather complicated for some people to explain using big words, but he was cool and relaxed and was able to explain in words that everyone could understand.

Superhero store in ingersoll but is actually tha alias for a study like place?

I think that this is a good idea and all but i honestly dont think that it would work in small towns like ingersoll. Sure we could have some kids show up but a lot of people may feel pressured that people may make fun of them if they see them go into the store and not be able to be like o you got the wrong guy i wasnt there you cant say they have mistaken your identity like that in a small town like ingersoll

Grade A easy unviersity

Man why couldnt this guy be my english teacher? i think its a semi good idea because i know when im not doin so well in a class i tend to overwork and just cause that mark to lower but if i know that im at an A level grade the whole time i wont paniac as much.

but i also belive that he should mark some stuff give it back to the students so that his students can get some feed back so they know what to better in future classes, essays, exams etc.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earth Hour

I think that this a good idea, but at the same time how are we goin to get people to actually do this? sure we can get a school to do it but how do we get an enitre world to turn off the power for an hour? I know i will be partcipating and im sure many teens of my generation while but i dont think many baby boomers who have yet to realize they have left our generation a hefty error with global warming, they know it there but there are some who still refuse to acknowledge that they messed up and or not wanting to take the blame. so now we suffer these events :D

The Pope's Condom Trouble

As we know the pope has caused a big stir between people and religion, I belive that his comment could have used more explaining then what he said for many people could have taken like many people have in the wrong. I also believe that people of these religions should wake up from there dreamland and stop preching to teenage kids the condoms are evil.

Also HIV in Africa the only way that we can help them is by giving them advice and advocate youth and tell them if the want to have sex to use condoms or make sure that your partner is clean, and the only way that can happen is if we people of Canada and or the world to donate money or condoms so that men and women can get there partner checked for stds

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oak Island Theory

I have two theories on this topic my first theory is it is the site of the worlds knowledge and all things written to date with details of how things happened and why and who caused this event. People in charge of these writtings thought if man had gotten their hands on them that the world we know today would be totally different with everyone having their own beliefs. But these people could not come to bring themselves to destroy these writtings so the hustled the scripts to a remote island in hopes it would never be found, but as percautions they buried them deep beneath the earth with many booby traps that would be unstoppable or unpredictable.

Ok so my real theory on oak island is that it was going to be like a location for something major for instance the site of the holy grail or that national treasure thingy. But it later was abandoned by the people whom had plans to hide there treasure and instead of telling people or leaving a note that there wasnt anything there they would leave it to man of the future to discover that for themselves.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ken Robinson's Talk.

I agree very much with Ken and how the schools do not focus enough on the arts. Growing up I loved drama and acting and just flat out making a fool of myslef in front of everyone, but going through public school where drama was rarely done unless we had finished the lesson for that time or it was a snowday. by grade 8 there was drama in the ciriculum but we hardly ever did drama we would go outside and do physical education instead.

When it came to the art of writing we would focus on that a lot and same with drawing and stuff but i felt that drama and acting had been left out greatly and that going through school and having teachers say im not creative because i cant write a short story or draw a picture really brought me down.

Experience in Bloggen

Uh ya i have never blogged before so pls be patient as I figure this stuff out. Enjoy :D