Thursday, June 11, 2009

An Inconvient day to be at school

Well let start I im gonna try to be super serial about this (as made fun of by South Park) climate change is not real sorry to break everyone's hopes of the world ending due to big storms and drastic melting of ice.

let me first explain Climate change

In december of 1966 or 1967 from december 12th to about december 15th the temperatures where 22+ degrees does this mean that global warming was here before us? no its just a freak of nature inncident like when you get monstrous bears ( or monster pigs( i due believe a very smart man once said "SHIT HAPPENS"(Forrest Gump). what about when it snowed in July in 1995? im sure not many of you will remember it but i will since it was my 3rd birthday.

Next Ice melting

With all do respect ice melts we came out of an ice age none of that was ice before so as an act of mother nature ice needs to melt.

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