Friday, April 17, 2009

Angels and Demons

12Lame, lame,lamer....... this book sucked i dont read often but this book sucked so bad that i actually was sad to have read such a book for a class of the gifted. Dan Brown can not right stories...... i've seen 8 year olds write better stories then this one. the jumping back and forth got annoying after awhile cause who cares about langdon? i wanted to read more about the hassasins epic story. the book could have done with out the first chapters and why make your main character an old guy whom could easily die in his adventure from a heart attack.

so to finish off this blog im gonna give deamons and angels a (Drum roll of in the background)


American Teen

Meh i've seen better movies before about americans teen lives and this one is just like all the others, and to be honest i really didnt like this one i found it way to boring and long sure it shows the life of a bunch of teens which many other movies dont show and this one had its more emotional parts in it then others and such but hey, im not a person to be watching documentrays on teenagers when i live the life of one.

Science VS Religion

This is a very hard area to get into and i dont want to offened some people but i believe you have to believe in one and not both. I feel that if you believe in both you are just kinda band wagoning it like people do when it comes to picking a favourite team in a sport, you tend to go for the one which is winning.

I personally believe in the science part because it has more moderen evidence out there to explain things that where unknown to us in the past, while religion has writings in books of what happened, sure those can be right but to me its just writing in a book that doesnt provide hard evidence when it is competing agaisnt science.

Rockstar Nerd guy

i laughed when i found out that this guy was once a rockstar, he honesly does not look like he could be one, anyways i thought that he did a very good job of explaining the collider and what was and how it was built in english as well. I think that we will be seeing more of this guy in the future because he just had a way of putting something that would be rather complicated for some people to explain using big words, but he was cool and relaxed and was able to explain in words that everyone could understand.

Superhero store in ingersoll but is actually tha alias for a study like place?

I think that this is a good idea and all but i honestly dont think that it would work in small towns like ingersoll. Sure we could have some kids show up but a lot of people may feel pressured that people may make fun of them if they see them go into the store and not be able to be like o you got the wrong guy i wasnt there you cant say they have mistaken your identity like that in a small town like ingersoll

Grade A easy unviersity

Man why couldnt this guy be my english teacher? i think its a semi good idea because i know when im not doin so well in a class i tend to overwork and just cause that mark to lower but if i know that im at an A level grade the whole time i wont paniac as much.

but i also belive that he should mark some stuff give it back to the students so that his students can get some feed back so they know what to better in future classes, essays, exams etc.