Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oak Island Theory

I have two theories on this topic my first theory is it is the site of the worlds knowledge and all things written to date with details of how things happened and why and who caused this event. People in charge of these writtings thought if man had gotten their hands on them that the world we know today would be totally different with everyone having their own beliefs. But these people could not come to bring themselves to destroy these writtings so the hustled the scripts to a remote island in hopes it would never be found, but as percautions they buried them deep beneath the earth with many booby traps that would be unstoppable or unpredictable.

Ok so my real theory on oak island is that it was going to be like a location for something major for instance the site of the holy grail or that national treasure thingy. But it later was abandoned by the people whom had plans to hide there treasure and instead of telling people or leaving a note that there wasnt anything there they would leave it to man of the future to discover that for themselves.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ken Robinson's Talk.

I agree very much with Ken and how the schools do not focus enough on the arts. Growing up I loved drama and acting and just flat out making a fool of myslef in front of everyone, but going through public school where drama was rarely done unless we had finished the lesson for that time or it was a snowday. by grade 8 there was drama in the ciriculum but we hardly ever did drama we would go outside and do physical education instead.

When it came to the art of writing we would focus on that a lot and same with drawing and stuff but i felt that drama and acting had been left out greatly and that going through school and having teachers say im not creative because i cant write a short story or draw a picture really brought me down.

Experience in Bloggen

Uh ya i have never blogged before so pls be patient as I figure this stuff out. Enjoy :D